Welcome Back to In-Person Classes! Sara Gilmore Academy welcomed back our 8th graders and welcomed our new 1st graders!
Dance History with Ms. Silvia! 5th graders at Sara Gilmore Academy are able to take virtual ballroom classes with NYC Dancing Classrooms via Zoom!
Animal Groups in 2nd Grade! 2nd graders in Mrs. Elbezaz and Mrs Luizza's science classes learned about classifying animals!
Pi Day in 1st Grade! Students sang a song for Pi, participated in a scavenger hunt for circular objects in the house, and even represented the numbers on chart using Jamboard!
Pi Day in 3rd and 4th Grade! Students made fractional pieces of pies, had scavenger hunts for circular or spherical objects, and even played a kahoot game about Pi!
Pi Day in 5th Grade! 5th graders labeled the parts of a circle and measured the circumference of a circle on string in honor of Pi Day (3/14)!
Read Across America Week with Mrs. Vazquez! Mrs. Vazquez 3rd grade at Sara Gilmore Academy celebrated Read Across America week everyday with a special theme!
Guest Readers for Second Graders! Sara Gilmore Academy would like to thank Lucio Fernandez, Alex Velazquez, and Geri Perez!
Black Lives Matter Poems with Mrs. Pansini! 6th graders in Mrs. Pansini's ELA classes finished Black History Month with poems about the influential people and the Black Lives Matters Movement.
"Celebrating Diverse Readers" Activities this Week Sara Gilmore Academy will be celebrating Read Across America next week.